Monday, August 29, 2011

Happiness is ......

knowing that my Family Day Care Parents are happy with the care that is being provided to their children on a daily basis....

I opened my email this afternoon to find a message from my Co-ordinator with some kind words from my parents attached .......

"I am happy with the care provided, the enviroment is clean, welcoming and child friendly. Rebecca is great with the kids and does a lot of developmental work with them. I am aware of the places Rebecca visits and don't have any concerns. I feel that our relationship is very comfortable".

"I am happy with the care provided, the environment is lovely. Rebecca is so well organised, provides great activities and helps the kids settle quickly with an activity in the morning which makes that transition easier. I don't see any areas for improvement and I don't have any concerns".

"Rebecca is enthaustic, thoughtful and creative. I am happy with our care and her home is lovely and child friendly. I can discuss anything with Rebecca and I don't have any concerns".

These kind comments made my afternoon and reminded me why I do what I do.

Thank you everyone for placing your trust in me to help you raise happy, healthy children.

Bec xoxoxox

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