Monday, August 22, 2011

i got sidetracked ......

and forgot to update the blog ...... sorry :(

last week was a very quiet week with the Ekka public holiday on Wednesday and NM and GM away on holidays. It was a nice treat to have Friday to myself to catch up on some overdue paperwork.

It looks like the rain is pretty much set in so our outings this week may have to be cancelled.

This week we are going to be practicing our fire evacuation drill ..... we will be doing this everyday to ensure all children are aware of what we need to do and where we need to meet. I have also copies of Fire Engines for the children to paint.

we will also be focusing on the letter F this week ... maybe you could reinforce this letter at home.

hope you all have a great week ... take care on the roads in the wet weather.

Bec xoxoxox

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