Sunday, September 4, 2011

We have had germs ......

I had to close our doors on Thursday, Friday and today due to both Mitchell and Emma coming down ill. Poor little Emma came down with a nasty chest infection last Monday, then Mitchell woke up with the chicken pox on Thursday and then on Saturday Emma woke conjunctivitis in her left eye which has since moved into her right eye.

I am not one to cancel care as it is a huge inconvenience to my parents .... But the germs were everywhere in my house. I am looking forward to re-opening on Tuesday with healthy children and an extremely clean and fresh house. I have spent the last day or two cleaning and disinfecting toys and resources to ensure that there are no nasty germs hanging around.

I want to thank all my parents for their understanding and patience and we will see you all soon.

Take care and stay healthy.

Bec xoxox

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