Sunday, October 16, 2011

This week in care - 17-21 October 2011

Hi everyone

Hope you all had a great weekend …. ours was jam packed …. We attended Mitchell’s school fete on Saturday, it was a great day but very exhausting. We left just in time before the hail storm hit Bald Hills. The weather has been crazy of late. Please remember to dress your child according to the weather and feel free to pack spare clothes in case the weather changes.

Tuesday morning tea with Ma and Poppy

Just a friendly reminder that there is no care available Wednesday, 26th October 2011. Care will resume as per normal on Thursday, 27th October 2011.

Monday, 17th October is a student free day. Mitchell will be home with us on this day as well as Anika’s big sister, Ella.

Colour Matching
Alphabet match
Balancing games


Bec xoxox

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Possum Puppet Show

Last Thursday the children and I went and watched the most spectacular puppet show we have ever seen. it was run by Cathy Possum in conjuction with our scheme.

we weren't quite sure what to expect but the children were blown away by cathy possum. we were introduced to a wide variety of australian animals (a possum, a wombat, and a kangaroo) along the way to find a playpus. the children laughed and screamed and bounced and had so much fun. it was a great morning and a huge thank you to the scheme for organising it.

Monday, September 5, 2011

This week in care - 5 sept - 9 sept 2011

Hi everyone

We don’t get sick too often …. But, when we do it hits us hard.

PLEASE NOTE THAT CARE IS AVAILABLE TUESDAY, 6TH SEPTEMBER 2011 – However if you feel a little uncomfortable with sending your child tomorrow … no fees will be charged for this day. Please advise your attendance ASAP.

Well hopefully we have seen the last of the illness’ in the WILD household for a very long time. I do apologise for having to cancel care over the past few days but our germs were just too powerful. I really appreciate your patience and concern.

Mitchell is all but 100% better …. I think one more day off from school won’t hurt him. 99% of his blisters have dried and have now scabbed over. He looks very spotty.

Emma’s chest infection is clear and her eyes are on the mend.

What’s happening in care this week:

Weekly Outings
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Morning Tea with Ma and Poppy

Thursday, 8 September 2011
Playgroup at POM office

Just a friendly reminder that there is no care available on Wednesday, 7th September.

To stay healthy and germ free JJJ
Make Playdough
Do some cooking

Hope everyone has had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

We have had germs ......

I had to close our doors on Thursday, Friday and today due to both Mitchell and Emma coming down ill. Poor little Emma came down with a nasty chest infection last Monday, then Mitchell woke up with the chicken pox on Thursday and then on Saturday Emma woke conjunctivitis in her left eye which has since moved into her right eye.

I am not one to cancel care as it is a huge inconvenience to my parents .... But the germs were everywhere in my house. I am looking forward to re-opening on Tuesday with healthy children and an extremely clean and fresh house. I have spent the last day or two cleaning and disinfecting toys and resources to ensure that there are no nasty germs hanging around.

I want to thank all my parents for their understanding and patience and we will see you all soon.

Take care and stay healthy.

Bec xoxox

Monday, August 29, 2011

Happiness is ......

knowing that my Family Day Care Parents are happy with the care that is being provided to their children on a daily basis....

I opened my email this afternoon to find a message from my Co-ordinator with some kind words from my parents attached .......

"I am happy with the care provided, the enviroment is clean, welcoming and child friendly. Rebecca is great with the kids and does a lot of developmental work with them. I am aware of the places Rebecca visits and don't have any concerns. I feel that our relationship is very comfortable".

"I am happy with the care provided, the environment is lovely. Rebecca is so well organised, provides great activities and helps the kids settle quickly with an activity in the morning which makes that transition easier. I don't see any areas for improvement and I don't have any concerns".

"Rebecca is enthaustic, thoughtful and creative. I am happy with our care and her home is lovely and child friendly. I can discuss anything with Rebecca and I don't have any concerns".

These kind comments made my afternoon and reminded me why I do what I do.

Thank you everyone for placing your trust in me to help you raise happy, healthy children.

Bec xoxoxox

Sunday, August 28, 2011

This week in care - 29 Sept - 2 Sept 2011

What’s happening in care this week:

Monday, 29 August 2011
Story Time at Kallangur Library (Fingers crossed)
Peace of Mind Office to hand in paperwork

Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Morning Tea with Ma and Poppy

Fathers Day Crafts
Colour Bear Match
Sticks in a Hole
Animal Match Dominos

Just a friendly reminder that care will not be available on the following dates in September.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Monday, 26 – Friday, 30 September 2011

If you haven’t yet advised me of your 2012 care requirements, could you please do so as soon as possible.

Hope everyone has had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend. We are now heading off to Suncorp Stadium to watch the Broncos play.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Bec xoxoxo

Monday, August 22, 2011

i got sidetracked ......

and forgot to update the blog ...... sorry :(

last week was a very quiet week with the Ekka public holiday on Wednesday and NM and GM away on holidays. It was a nice treat to have Friday to myself to catch up on some overdue paperwork.

It looks like the rain is pretty much set in so our outings this week may have to be cancelled.

This week we are going to be practicing our fire evacuation drill ..... we will be doing this everyday to ensure all children are aware of what we need to do and where we need to meet. I have also copies of Fire Engines for the children to paint.

we will also be focusing on the letter F this week ... maybe you could reinforce this letter at home.

hope you all have a great week ... take care on the roads in the wet weather.

Bec xoxoxox