Friday, June 10, 2011

This week in care ....

Wow, what a cold week this week, winter is surely upon us.

Monday, 6 June 2011

The sun was shining today so we headed outside into the fresh air. The children rode the bikes, played with some blocks, played in the sandpit and ran around in the bubbles. A great day. We also had to head over to the office to drop off some paperwork.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

A little chilly today so most of our play was undertaken indoors. We headed over to Ma and Poppy's for morning tea and some car and lego play. When we came home we had a quick run around outside to get all of our silly's out. We read a beautiful story before bed time which the children enjoyed.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

A little chilly again today. We headed outside for a quick play on the bikes, scooters and in the cubby house. There was lots of block play, train making and playing with the dolls today. Everyone was in a good mood and played nicely together.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Another cold day today. We stayed indoors today as the sun didn't come out to greet us at all. We made the most of the indoors playing with the horses, dolls, in the inside cubby house, singing sings, danced and had lots of fun.

Friday, 10 June 2011

We rugged up and headed outside for a play in the fresh air today. We also made som beautiful paper dolls and laminated them so they stayed strong and we could keep them for a long time.

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