Friday, May 20, 2011

Our week in care

What a busy and exciting week we have had ....

The children were very excitied to see that the playroom had been given a rearrange whilst they were away .... the home corner is alot more user friendly, with lots more space for all children to play in there together. I am in the process of organising some more hand made felt food for them ... this is still a work in progress :)

Monday: 16 May 2011

The children and I had a great day. It was our girly day today. Lots of playing in the home corner and the outside cubby house.

Tuesday: 17 May 2011

A lovely day today ... we spent the morning with Ma and Poppy enjoying some morning tea in the fresh air. When we came home the children were very happy ti play freely with their chosen toys. Emma needed lots of cuddles today as she is getting her top teeth.

Wednesday: 18 May 2011

An eventful day today. There was lots of playing with dolls and cars, playdough, gluing, outside play and lots more. NE had a great day playing with out new doctor's kit and giving lots of medicine to the dolls. He especially enjoyed wearing the doctor glasses. GT has a great day riding on the bikes with VA. VA enjoyed pushing a doll around in a car for most of the morning.

Thursday: 19 May 2011

We stayed home from Playgroup this morning as Bec wasn't feeling very well. We had a fun day at home playing in the sandpit, home corner, doctors and had a play picnic in the outside cubby house. We watched and danced to a little bit of Hi-5 before having a rest.

Friday, 20 May 2011

A nice quiet day at home today whilst we waited for the grocery man to come. There was lots of outside play in the sandpit, on the bikes and plenty of home play.

Photos will hopefully be up next week.

Take care


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