Monday, May 2, 2011

making playdough ....

the children love playing with playdough ... it is a great sensory activity. i spent some of my afternoon replacing our old playdough with a fresh batch. i like to make my own playdough and follow this have a great recipe.

* 1/2 cup salt

* 1 cup plain flour

* 2 tablespoons cream of tartar

* 1 cup water

* 1 tablespoon oil

* food colouring of your choice

mix all ingredients in a saucepan over high heat. mixture will come together, remove from heat and knead. sit until cool, then enjoy creating.

lots of fun new colours for the children to enjoy creating little masterpieces with this week. i wonder what creations will be made:- cupcakes, sausages, people, the possibilities are endless.

enjoy bec

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