Monday, May 30, 2011

June Newsletter

good morning everyone

today is out girly day, lots of playing in the home corner, drawing and reading books.

please find attached the link for the June newsletter.

i will be back a little later with some photos and a tutorial of some little multicultural dolls i am working on.

hope you are all having a fun day



Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, 23 May 2011

It was a funny day today .... not sure if it was going to rain or not. We set up a few outdoor play activities, mainly the sand tray, the stepping stomes and the bikes. The children had a great day, undertaking a craft activity where we made a sheep.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Lots and lots of outside play today. We had lots of fun activities set up ... there was a farm mat with lots of animals, we had the trucks and the blocks out, playdough table outside, stepping stones and so much more. It was a lovely day. We also put a tail and a mane onto a horse.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

It was a little fresh outside today but we braved the cold, rugged up and headed out for a little play. We played on the bikes and the scooters and with the trucks and the blocks. Most of our play day was spent inside creating some more farm animals. The children were very excited when the plumber turned up with his really big ladder to get onto the roof to fix the hot water. We also had a surprise visit from the lovely lady from the office.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

The girls were a little tired and sad this morning when they arrived as they both had a very late night. We started off the morning with a little bit of sesame street to settle the girls in. GM helped Brendaa create out new pencil holder, which she enjoyed. After morning tea we headed outside into the fresh air. We had lots of visitors today, the lady across the road came over to give us a present and Bec's sister popped in for a cup of tea.

Friday, 27 May 2011
A very busy day today. We took Mitch to school as Brendan was helping the electrician put in some ceiling fans. When we came home the children wanted to play outside with the magic paint. We painted the fence in beautiful colours. That kept us busy for most of the morning. We also pretended that the fort was a boat and the blanket was an island and the grass was the ocean full of sharks and crocodiles. A very big imagination day.

Have a great weekend

Bec xoxoxox

Childrens sites I enjoy browsing

Hi all

half way through the week already and the children and i have been busy, busy, busy. We are working on creating lots of different farm animals and most of the children have already made a wooly sheep and a horse. I like to make our activities interactive and fun.

When i have five minutes to myself i enjoy taking a look at the following children's educational sites. i find lots of creative ideas for the children, our environment and there is always something interesting to read.

When you have a spare moment, grab a cuppa and sit down at take a look around .....


* love this one, lots of free printable activities





If you have any interesting sites that you like to look at, please share them with me.

enjoy the rest of your week, i know we will.

Bec xoxoxox

Friday, May 20, 2011

Our week in care

What a busy and exciting week we have had ....

The children were very excitied to see that the playroom had been given a rearrange whilst they were away .... the home corner is alot more user friendly, with lots more space for all children to play in there together. I am in the process of organising some more hand made felt food for them ... this is still a work in progress :)

Monday: 16 May 2011

The children and I had a great day. It was our girly day today. Lots of playing in the home corner and the outside cubby house.

Tuesday: 17 May 2011

A lovely day today ... we spent the morning with Ma and Poppy enjoying some morning tea in the fresh air. When we came home the children were very happy ti play freely with their chosen toys. Emma needed lots of cuddles today as she is getting her top teeth.

Wednesday: 18 May 2011

An eventful day today. There was lots of playing with dolls and cars, playdough, gluing, outside play and lots more. NE had a great day playing with out new doctor's kit and giving lots of medicine to the dolls. He especially enjoyed wearing the doctor glasses. GT has a great day riding on the bikes with VA. VA enjoyed pushing a doll around in a car for most of the morning.

Thursday: 19 May 2011

We stayed home from Playgroup this morning as Bec wasn't feeling very well. We had a fun day at home playing in the sandpit, home corner, doctors and had a play picnic in the outside cubby house. We watched and danced to a little bit of Hi-5 before having a rest.

Friday, 20 May 2011

A nice quiet day at home today whilst we waited for the grocery man to come. There was lots of outside play in the sandpit, on the bikes and plenty of home play.

Photos will hopefully be up next week.

Take care


Monday, May 2, 2011

making playdough ....

the children love playing with playdough ... it is a great sensory activity. i spent some of my afternoon replacing our old playdough with a fresh batch. i like to make my own playdough and follow this have a great recipe.

* 1/2 cup salt

* 1 cup plain flour

* 2 tablespoons cream of tartar

* 1 cup water

* 1 tablespoon oil

* food colouring of your choice

mix all ingredients in a saucepan over high heat. mixture will come together, remove from heat and knead. sit until cool, then enjoy creating.

lots of fun new colours for the children to enjoy creating little masterpieces with this week. i wonder what creations will be made:- cupcakes, sausages, people, the possibilities are endless.

enjoy bec